7 Reasons Why Your Plan Of Action Got Rejected. Examples of Failed Amazon Appeals For Suspended Accounts.

All these examples feature posts from genuine plans of action, i have adjusted the ASINS to cover any identities, these seven points I see time and time again in rejected plans of appeal. Whilst as an amazon consultant I dont deal directly in just handling account suspensions, i hope this small little post can help some of you struggling to get you reinstated.
1) you didnt directly address the issue in your plan of action
Why did a customer claim the item was not genuine? What caused Amazon to suspend your item was counterfeit or infriging on another businesses IP? It is imperative to address the problem directly in your POA(Plan of action)
“The customer of ASIN B0XXXXX4N is claiming this product is not authentic but it is.”
If you make statements back this up with evidence, this also falls into the other points below but is a common reason as to why Amazon reject appeals.
2) you admitted you made a mistake, but didnt clarify how you would resolve it.
Below is a genuine statement in a plan of account where the seller has addresses the mistake but has not told Amazon which carrier they would go to and how they would provide a better service in terms of tracking and delivery.
“I failed to use a reliable carrier, although they provide me with tracking information the product is not signed for nor do they ensure timely delivery to my customers.”
3) you have made your plan of action to complicated and long.
Dont explain to Amazon your business practises or why your staff are inexperienced, this is in terms irrelevant and just bulks up your plan of action, keep everything precise and to the point list all points in simple bullet form.
“This was due to staff inexperience of selling on Amazon”
4) You havent provided evidence to backup your claim
Always provide evidence in forms of Invoice to match period of product issue with clear name of brand/manufacturer, amazon state the invoice must be within the last year and must have your supplier details and quantity in invoices must reflect sales volume. Also provide an Authorization letter from your manufacturer and your sales contacts details. If Amazon request manufacturer proof and you are indeed the supplier, you can produce self invoices, this is an accepted method.
5) your plan of action only covers a specific issue and not your account as a whole
Unless you need to raise the specifics of an ASIN, consider the account as a whole rather than just individual products, you need to address the root cause of the problem in your plan of action, picking out ASINs will just complicate and lengthen your plan of action.
“ASINs B00XXXXWJC, B00KXXXEQ, B003XXXXXOYG, B0XXXXUXI, – not being Authentic. These Asins are authentic”
6) You havent taken action BEFORE submitting your Plan of Action.
If Amazon have clearly identified an issue then make sure this issue is resolved before sending your POA.
“I am aware that 200 of my ASINS violate another brands intellectual property”
7) You panicked…. opened a second account or threatened legal action or took additional steps
This is the worst thing you can do to maintain your suspension or put the process back, avoid taking knee jerk reactions when you are going through the account suspension phase.
BONUS: Once your plan of action is complete, ask the seller performance team for feedback, we have good success in all areas of seller support when asking this question:
“please give clear instruction if any of this plan of action is not clear and any other points we can address to get our account back in good standing”
Remember to give 30 days before escalating your plan if you dont hear anything back from the performance team, it can take a while to verify your plan and reinstate your account.